Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 26 - Fifth year of Ph.D. study

Autumn Semester of Fifth year Ph.D. study will start on August 26.  Time really flies.  Soon, I will graduate and own my Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering and start another journey in academia.

Look back, I really appreciate all the great people I encountered and thanks God for his blessings to be surrounded with great leaders and wonderful opportunities.

Without my mentors (Drs. Scott Holland and Christy Holland, Jerzy Szaflarski, Jarek Meller, Weihong Yuan, Jennifer Vannest, Jing Xiang, Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus, etc), I would not be able to accomplish what I have accomplished.  The whole experience of get your Ph.D. is irreplaceable.

My take home message:  You need to be eager to learn, be a good team-player, and always have a positive attitude.  Remember, you might not be able to change or control your circumstance, but you can definitely control your response to the circumstance.  Good luck with everyone who is considering of pursing a Ph.D. or is currently pursing Ph.D.  Hang in there.  A big rainbow is waiting for you at the end of the P.H.D journey.


  1. 感谢你写了那么多不错的文章,放在博客里面,与大家分享。 God bless

    1. 谢谢鼓励!大家加油!God bless!

    2. Yeap, add oil, BTW, I like your P.H.D interpretation: Pursuing Happiness Daily.

  2. http://www.creativitypost.com/psychology/the_brain_as_a_network_focusing_your_network
