Friday, March 18, 2011

MEG: shall I love you? Rich data plus various ways to analyze. What's the best? Or establish my own.

Parametric methods

    * Dipole Fitting
    * Multiple Dipole Fitting
    * Extended Patch Fitting (To correctly model surface extent of current distribution)

Scanning methods

    * MUSIC--MUltiple SIgnal Classification
    * RAP MUSIC--Recursively Applied (RAP) MUSIC
    * LCMV--Linear Constrained Minimum Variance
    * SAM -- non-linear adaptive spatial filter (use time domain sensor covariance)
    * Vector beamformer
    * DICS -- use cross-spectral density covariance

Imaging methods
L1 Norm

    * MCE - Minimum Current Estimate

L2 Norm

    * MNE - Minimum Norm Estimate
          o Software:MNE-Suite
    * LORETA - Low Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography
          o Probably everything you ever wanted to know is at this website by Pascual-Marqui
    * LAURA
    * dSPM - dynamic Statistical Parametric Mapping

Bayesian Approaches

    * sLORETA - standardized Low Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography
          o Open PDF file with all technical details
          o Download the free academic sLORETA software

Something New

    * eLORETA - exact Low Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography
          o Technical report (abstract & PDF file) at arXiv
          o Web pages with full technical report
          o Some eLORETA results



FW:: MNE2.7 installation - try to install MNE

MNE2.7 installation
t@ubuntu:~$ /media/e/mne2.7/bin/mne_opengl_test

mne_opengl_test version 1.1 compiled at Dec 11 2009 05:32:58

Environment variable MNE_ROOT not set
t@ubuntu:~$ /media/e/mne2.7/bin/
bash: /media/e/mne2.7/bin/ No such file or directory
t@ubuntu:~$ /media/e/mne2.7/bin/mne_setup_sh
ERROR: The environment variable MNE_ROOT is not defined!
       Set MNE_ROOT to the directory where MNE is installed.
t@ubuntu:~$ echo $SHELL
t@ubuntu:~$ export MNE_ROOT=/media/e/mne2.7/
t@ubuntu:~$ . $MNE_ROOT/bin/mne_setup_sh

The mne setup command is
>.   $MNE_ROOT/bin/mne_setup_sh

not> MNE_ROOT/bin/mne_setup_sh

the dot  means  "source "

MNE software location set to:    /media/e/mne2.7/
MATLAB software not available

/media/e/mne2.7//bin added to PATH
/media/e/mne2.7//lib added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
/media/e/mne2.7//share/app-defaults/%N added to XUSERFILESEARCHPATH

Note: Remember to set SUBJECTS_DIR and SUBJECT environment variables correctly.
Note: FreeSurfer environment is needed to access tkmedit from mne_analyze.

t@ubuntu:~$ /media/e/mne2.7/bin/mne_opengl_test

mne_opengl_test version 1.1 compiled at Dec 11 2009 05:32:58

nvert = 140970
ntri = 281936
500 x 500
27279.327 msecs spent per rotation
28335.110 msecs spent per rotation
24754.223 msecs spent per rotation
24536.961 msecs spent per rotation
24795.956 msecs spent per rotation
24608.255 msecs spent per rotation
24815.126 msecs spent per rotation

export SUBJECTS_DIR=/media/e/sample_data/subjects/
export SUBJECTS=sample