Friday, April 27, 2012

Matlab codes sharing ... *_*

Haven't post anything since Feb.  I am not a great blogger.  I used to blogger everything in my daily life.  I guess that was too much.  Now I only blogger my research here.  Lately, I am reading tons of materials about MEG source localization methods.  I want to use fMRI to constrain my MEG source locations.  It sounds like a straightforward approach, but it is hard to figure out all the details.  I am working on it now.  Hope I can get it out before June.
Well, last week, I decide to share my Matlab code with others through Matlab web file sharing service.

A small toolbox to compute SNR for MRI images:

I made this toolbox for a coil project I worked on in winter quarter of 2011 under Dr. Holland's supervising.  Hope it will be helpful to others.