Sunday, September 23, 2012

GIFT Group ICA for FMRI data

Before using GIFT to do ICA analysis on your fMRI data, you need to do several pre-processing steps:

(1) slice timing correction (before realignment if your data were collected interleave fashion, otherwise after realignment) - This step is sometime neglected in the block design.  For event-related design, it is important.

(2) realignment: get your motion parameters (x,y,z, roll, pitch, yaw)

(3) coregistration - T1-template, then apply transformation matrix to EPI.

(4) segmentation - skull stripping

(5) normalization - normalize to template

(6) smooth - blur the data

You can use spm_jobman('run',jobs) to do batch scripting.  Save you time for group analysis.

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